Sunday 4 December 2011

3. What have you learnt from the audience feedback?

I have had continuous audience feedback all the way from the research to the final product and this has helped me because it gives me a good idea of what is most popular at the moment and what would be best received by my target audience. It produces a better final product as it means that you’ve had the input from the audience which supplies you with what you can improve on and what is good about your final product.
My audience helped throughout the production process as they constantly supplied information which meant that I knew what the best ideas were, and I could always improve any of the ideas that I had using their feedback.
The changes that I made because of audience feedback mainly relate to my teaser trailer as had received a lot of feedback on my first draft and I made lots of changes and even re-filmed most of it so that it would attract the largest audience possible. If I would not have received the feedback from the audience I might have given in my teaser trailer as it was and it would not have been very complete as it would be missing some key horror features.

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